RA Aircheck – FM 104 Triple M sweeper 1995
RA Aircheck – FM 104 Triple M sweeper 1995 can anyone identify the voice in this sweeper? not Robin Williams
Dedicated to Australian Radio airchecks
RA Aircheck – FM 104 Triple M sweeper 1995 can anyone identify the voice in this sweeper? not Robin Williams
RA Aircheck – 2UE Gary O’Callaghan promo 1972 well what a blast hearing that quaint little jingle before the news at the top of the hour, it must have been around right up until 1980 at least as it was still used when I was in High School
RA Aircheck X 107 FM – Georgie Gardner 1990 Stumbled across this little gem the other day, now Georgies on channel 9
RA Aircheck -7EX Mike Dodd 1979 As a tribute to one of Australia’s best radio talents here’s a short aircheck from 1979 featuring the late Mike Dodd, thanks to the person who sent it in for you to enjoy
RA Aircheck – 5KA JohnDeanDrive78 Some guy scores a pair of sunnies and remember Kremin
RA Aircheck – 4MMM 1980 promo and jingle Here’s a little background passed on by ex 4MMM rockjock Jeff Truscott Ted Seymour, he, as PD, did most of the Promo reads back in those days. (Little known fact was as a test transmission, they played Beatles music only for a few days before the launch […]
RA Aircheck – 3DB 1973 Melbourne Here’s a historical one from 1973, thanks Peter.
RA Aircheck – Bogart Torelli – Vega 95.3 2008 Here’s Bogart with more of Tony,Bec and Mikey’s music trivia from 2008
RA Airheck 4BH – Peter Kaye 1974Another 4BH aircheck from the 70’s
RA Aircheck – Star 104.5 News with Kathy Koutsis and Vic, Todd and Kim 2006 During one of the 1st big promotions with Wallace Bishop White Diamond Heist News from Kathy Koutsis , traffic from Natasha Grey , then Todd and Kim with the first stopdown