Thanks to my new PD, ha, Ewan J, I think he was cleaning out the shed recently and he uncovered some gems, (hint, look out there’s more soon)
Although I never gigged at Canberra’s FM 104 Rock in Stereo( as the cheeky things called it)
the format/ playlist could by no means been as good as the original FM 104 Rock in Stereo
Brisbane with the hottest announcing team ever, sorry but today’s standards are no match
Ewan does a great job on this gig and enjoy the brilliance of the memorable late Ray McGregor on the traditional Classic Rock imaging from the era
Nice 1991 check from Ewan. Sounds (to my ears) like a cross between Ron E. Sparks and Paul Hodges. Regards, IAN in South Oz.
Great Ian, sounded a bit like Gregg Easton to me, but the best thing about Ewan on this is he is very fluent and concise